Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chinen Yuri, Nakagawa Taishi & Komatsu Nana to star in new movie "Sakamichi no Aporon"

Hey! Say! JUMP's Chinen Yuri will be starring in the new real-life adaptation movie "Sakamichi no Aporon" (The slope's Apollo) which is based on the same-titled manga by Kodama Yuki that won the 57th Shogakukan Manga Award and the No.1 title in the 2009 Kono Manga ga Sugoi's best-loved by females category. Co-stars include Nakagawa Taishi and Komatsu Nana.

The story features Chinen as the lead character Nishimi Kaoru who is a shy 1st-year senior high school student and has to move to Sasebo, Nagasaki to live with his relatives after his father passed away. He meets his classmates Kawabuchi Sentaro (Nakagawa) who is feared by others for appearing to be a scary delinquent and Mukae Ritsuko (Komatsu) who is Sentaro's childhood friend and comes into contact with jazz piano which he grows to love. On the other hand, Kaoru finds himself caught in a love triangle as Ritsuko is love with Sentaro who is in turn in love with Fukahori Yurika, a 2nd-year student in the same school.

In order to prepare for the filming, Chinen began lessons in jazz piano since September last year and even bought an electronic piano to practise at home. Likewise, Nakagawa whose character is a skilled jazz drummer in the movie, started his practice last July even though he had learnt how to play the drums for one year when he was a primary student. As for Komatsu, her biggest difficulty is with the Sasebo dialect but she is looking forward to acting with both Chinen and Nakagawa who she is working with for the first time.

Filming which will be done entirely in Kyushu, will take place from the end of April to mid June and the movie will be shown in cinemas next year.

Sources: Yomiuri Hochi / Sanspo /

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