Saturday, April 01, 2017

An currently pregnant with her third child

An is currently pregnant with her third child as confirmed by her agency on 31 March. On the same day, she had appeared in an event for Mitsubishi Electric where she wore a loose-fitting dress and flat shoes without heels thus sparking speculation about whether she is pregnant. Although her agency confirmed her pregnancy, they also said that she has no plans of giving further details such as when she's due to give birth. Nonetheless, she is believed to have passed her first trimester and should be giving birth sometime in summer this year. An who is married to Higashide Masahiro, gave birth to their twin daughters in May last year.

During the event, An was also asked by the media to comment on her father Watanabe Ken's rumoured affair but she simply bowed to the media and did not speak on this issue.

Sources: Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really wise to reveal her pregnancy, to prevent stress and unwanted publication from the media due to her father's rumored affair, her pregnancy is a positive thing after all. But still, such a fast one An-Higashide! it's all been calculated or a careless one? XD they just got twins less than a year ago so still having their hands full surely. But both seem love kids and fit to have many children, maybe An want to focus to have a children and child-rearing before she fully return to acting.
