Monday, February 20, 2017

Kamenashi Kazuya, Kimura Fumino & Yamashita Tomohisa to star in NTV Spring 2017 drama "Boku, Unmei no hito desu"

Kamenashi Kazuya, Kimura Fumino and Yamashita Tomohisa will be starring in the upcoming NTV Spring 2017 drama "Boku, Unmei no hito desu" (I am your soulmate) which begins its run from April in the Saturdays 10pm timeslot. The story features Kamenashi as a company employee Masaki Makoto who goes all out to woo the women who he thinks of as his soulmate despite being rejected all the time. When he meets a practical OL (Kimura) named Kogetsu Haruko who doesn't believe in destiny, he confesses his love for her but to no avail because she wants to have a relationship which is safe and fail-proof. Just then, a mysterious man calling himself as God (Yamashita) appears and offers him advice on how to woo his soulmate.

Kamenashi and Yamashita will also be forming the special unit Kame to YamaP to sing the theme song for the drama which marks their first collaboration in 12 years. The duo had worked together in the NTV drama "Nobuta wo Produce" back in 2005 and formed the unit Shuuji to Akira (their character names in the drama) to sing the theme song "Seishun Amigo" which sold 1.626 million copies then.

Kamenashi commented that he is eagerly anticipating working together with the staff and co-stars this time. In particular, he praised Kimura for being a good and charming actress. As for Yamashita, he pledged to work hard at playing his character who is unpredictable and full of mysteries. With regard to the collaboration between them, Kamenashi revealed that he had talked about working together with Yamashita in the past so to be able to do that again now in this format, they are both very happy about it. Yamashita echoed this and said that since the two of them had known each other since they were in junior high school, he believes that they will be able to bring out an unique blend of warmth, danger and security through their work as a special unit this time.

Sources: Nikkansports / Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting..Kame and YamaP reunion is a *blast*..!
