Sunday, January 15, 2017

Screening event of new movie "Koisaika Miyamoto" in Osaka

The screening event of new movie "Koisaika Miyamoto" was held at TOHO Cinemas Umeda in Osaka on 12 January which was attended by the director Yukawa Kazuhiko and the leads Abe Hiroshi and Amami Yuki. The movie which is based on the novel by Shigematsu Kiyoshi, features Abe and Amami as a couple who had a shotgun marriage 27 years ago and are experiencing the empty nest syndrome after their child moves out. When the husband finds out that his wife has hidden a completed divorce application form, he is shocked and tries to understand why things have come to this stage. The movie will be shown in cinemas from 28 January.

Although the movie is a heartwarming story about a couple married for many years, the screening was held at Osaka which has the third highest divorce rate in Japan after Okinawa and Miyazaki. When asked to comment about this trend by the MC, Amami jokingly said that she would like to abstain from commenting since she is not even married yet. As for Abe, he recounted that the last time he worked together with Amami was 15 years ago when they played lovers in a period drama but their characters' fates were very tragic then because he ended up being executed while she starved to death. Even though they've not worked together since then, they do bump into each other at times since they visit the same sports club. The actors also thanked the audience for coming to the event despite the cold weather and called upon everyone to support the movie. Amami said that couples should definitely come to watch this but single women like herself can also enjoy the film as well.

Sources: Nikkansports / Yomiuri Hochi

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