Thursday, January 12, 2017

Premium screening event of TBS Winter 2017 drama "A LIFE Itoshiki Hito"

The premium screening event of TBS Winter 2017 drama "A LIFE Itoshiki Hito" was held at the Japan Medical Association's grand auditorium on 11 January which was attended by cast members Kimura Takuya, Takeuchi Yuko, Matsuyama Kenichi, Kimura Fumino, Nanao, Oikawa Mitsuhiro and Asano Tadanobu. 400 guests including medical personnel gathered for the screening where Kimura commented that the drama hopes to convey their respect towards the medical personnel who are working in Japan. The drama will begin its run from 15 January in the Sundays 9pm timeslot.

In preparation for the filming, Kimura went to observe a real operation and said that the experience helped him to appreciate the reality of what it means to be working in the medical field. As for Asano who plays Kimura's rival in the drama, he commented that they went through a lot of discussions so as to decide how to act in the drama. Matsuyama revealed that he is very honoured to be working with Kimura and Asano who he had always looked up to and pledged to work hard to make this drama a success.

The cast also revealed how Matsuyama behaves like a curious interviewer on the set who asks his co-stars a variety of questions. Oikawa commented that Matsuyama asked him before if there was a likelihood that there would be a sequel for "Hanzawa Naoki". In response, Matsuyama commented that he finds it especially interesting to "interview" Kimura on the set since the latter's answers are interesting but Kimura poked fun at Matsuyama for asking questions as if he's an outsider even though he's part of the cast.

Sources: Sponichi / / Oricon

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