Monday, January 16, 2017

Main cast of TBS Winter 2017 drama "Quartet" to sing the theme song under unit name Doughnuts Hole

The main cast of TBS Winter 2017 drama "Quartet" i.e. Matsu Takako, Mitsushima Hikari, Takahashi Issei and Matsuda Ryuhei will be forming an unit by the name of Doughnuts Hole and sing the theme song for the drama which is written by Shiina Ringo. The song titled "Otona no Okita" features the four of them singing and playing their respective musical instruments. At the end of the each episode during the credits section, the specially-created music video featuring the cast will be played.

Shiina commented that it is a honour for her to participate in this song and that she had made sure that they get to play their musical instruments when she was writing the melody. She also praised the actors for singing well and hopes that everyone will enjoy the song together with the drama.

Source: Natalie

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