Friday, January 13, 2017

Hakamada Yoshihiko admits to infidelity report in "Shuukan Shinchou"

Hakamada Yoshihiko admitted to having an affair with another woman as reported in the 12 January issue of "Shuukan Shinchou" and confirmed that he is currently living apart from his wife at the moment. According to the report, Hakamada who has married to celebrity Kawanaka Ai since 2010 and have a daughter, started living apart from his wife in the summer of 2014 and got to know his lover in September 2015.

With regard to the report about his affair, Hakamada apologised in a written statement for his thoughtless act having caused disturbance and inconveniences to everyone and expressed his remorse for what he did. He apologised to his lover but expressed his wish to mend ties with his wife and daughter with the utmost sincerity.

In response to the news about her husband's infidelity, Kawanaka posted on her blog and apologised for the controversy over this matter. She commented that Hakamada himself must be feeling the worst right now. From now on, the two of them will discuss about their future with their daughter's happiness in mind. As such, she called upon everyone to give them time and space to do so while ensuring that she and her daughter can continue to lead peaceful lives before signing off with her husband's surname.

Sources: Oricon / Nikkansports

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