Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Kaname Jun to star in new FujiTV Autumn 2016 drama "Jikkyousareru Otoko"

Kaname Jun will be starring in the new FujiTV Autumn 2016 drama "Jikkyousareru Otoko" (The man who is broadcasted with live commentary) which begins its run from 14 September in the Fridays 12.55am timeslot (first episode starts at 1.15am). The drama which consists of 11 episodes, was produced with the assistance of Japan Racing Association (JRA) and is a mystery drama incorporating the element of broadcasting with live commentary as seen in horse races.

Kaname plays the role of a man named Umao who becomes the target of an Internet programme called "Fuchu de ichiban ochikondeiru TV" (The TV show on the most depressed person in Fuchu) as he is seen bursting into tears at the Tokyo Racecourse in Fuchu, Tokyo. During the live broadcast, the commentators make various comments about Umao in a bid to find the reason for his behaviour. As the access figures climb up, the truth is slowly unravelled.

Kaname recounted that when he first read the script, he was surprised by the unique and never-seen-before setting which combines surrealism and comedy so he was raring to go during the filming. Nonetheless, as he was unsure of how to play such a role, he decided not to set any restrictions on himself and just go with the flow when playing Umao.

Source:  Oricon

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