Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Takahata Yuta released from custody without an indictment; fired by his agency

Takahata Yuta who was arrested for alleged rape leading to injury, was released from Maebashi Police Station on 9 September without an indictment. Around 2.20pm, Takahata appeared in a white shirt and grey trousers outside the police station where he bowed to the reporters who had gathered and said in a loud voice that he was sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone as a result of his action. However, he did not answer any questions from the reporters and boarded a car quickly with a woman who was said to be his lawyer.

Later that afternoon, Takahata's lawyer released a statement on the official website of Gekidan Seinenza, the theatre group which Takahata Atsuko belongs to. In the statement, the lawyer stated that Takahata Yuta was not charged and released from custody which would probably lead to speculation that a private settlement was reached between him and the victim. However, owing to the nature of the alleged offence, prosecutors could still proceed with the indictment even if the victim chooses not to do so. As such, this was a case which cannot be dismissed simply with money.

Generally, even if the man and woman are willing parties at the beginning of their sexual encounter, there is still a likelihood of this developing into a rape case if the woman chooses to reject the sexual advances. However, the problem lies in whether the woman conveyed her intention to the man. If this was not done, it would not become a crime. In this instance though, intimidation and violence was used to prevent the woman from resisting and thus it would become a clear rape case.

The lawyers stated that they had listened to Takahata Yuta's testimony repeatedly but were not able to gain access to the testimonies of other related parties so they couldn't find out what the truth behind the case was. However, based on what they know, they believe that Takahata thought that the woman was agreeable to the sexual act. At the very least, the media reports saying that he had tricked the woman into bringing a toothbrush to his room and pulled her into his room were totally untrue. In essence, this meant that the action was not committed with ill intentions. Even if the case is to go to court, it would be a case where they will plead not guilty. In view of these facts, they believe that this was why the case was concluded without an indictment.

After Takahata's release from police custody, he was said to be admitted to a hospital in Saitama Prefecture as he was unwell physically and mentally.

On the other hand, when asked about their decision not to file an indictment, the Maebashi Public Prosecutors Office said that they cannot comment on the details of the case and called upon the public to consider the nature of the criminal act.

When asked about her son's release, Takahata Atsuko apologised to the media for the inconvenience caused by him but declined to comment since the lawyers have already released a statement. In addition, she said that Takahata Yuta is already hospitalised for the time being and asked for the media's understanding during this period as he seeks psychiatric treatment.

Meanwhile, Takahata's agency Ishii Mitsuzo Office announced that they have terminated his management contract with effect from 9 Sep.

Sources: Nikkansports 1 / Nikkansports 2 / Nikkansports 3 / Nikkansports 4 / Sanspo

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