Friday, September 23, 2016

Miura Haruma reported to be dating dancer Sugawara Koharu

Miura Haruma and dancer Sugawara Koharu are reportedly dating, according to media reports on 21 September. The couple is said to have started dating recently and were seen at various locations together. Miura and Sugawara met when he appeared in Sugawara's radio show to promote his stage play in the middle of last month and he was said to have taken the initiative to woo her after that meeting. Prior to this, Miura had first seen Sugawara's dance performance in singer Miura Daichi's music video Unlock in February last year and was impressed with her that he got an acquaintance to introduce him to her. He was also at her performance in February this year where he commented that he was thankful to Sugawara for giving inspiration for his acting through her dancing when he was having issues.

Sugawara is a dancer known internationally and had been a back dancer for artistes such as Rihanna, SMAP and Amuro Namie. She had also taken on choreography jobs for artistes such as Girls' Generation and Koda Kumi and was previously seen in a TDK commercial with Stevie Wonder. Besides being a dancer, she also takes on modelling, CM jobs and holds dance workshops in Japan and overseas.

When asked about the news, Miura's agency did not deny it and said that they will leave it to Miura to handle this since this is his private matter. On the other hand, Sugawara is said to be in San Francisco at the moment according to her last post via Instagram on 21 September.

Sources: Nikkansports / Sanspo

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