Friday, August 19, 2016

10th Anniversary Game: Guess The Drama? - Round 20 (UPDATED with last hint)

Round 19 seemed to be a bit difficult initially without the hints but there were a number of you who still managed to get the answer quickly. Here is the answer:

Soumatou Kabushikigaisha 走馬灯株式会社

This Summer 2012 drama from TBS was the first drama which Kashii Yuu appeared in after she gave birth to her first child. In this drama, she played the lead character Kaminuma who called herself an employee of Soumatou Kabushikigaisha and showed the DVDs containing footage of past events to the characters featured in each episode. The question was a photo of Kubota Masataka who appeared in the first episode. As for the second hint, 2AM was the name of the Korean group who sang the theme song for this drama.

Here is the leaderboard at the end of this round (players with at least 30 points):

119 points - Nanda Motta
100 points - tweetpersecond / Vie Chan
84 points - Dendi Darkexodia
80 points - mikilove13
67 points - Madoka
44 points - yorknell
42 points - Audrey Lilian Cussoy
31 points - Cris Ogr

For the final round of this game, please refer to the photo above and send your answer to me. Likewise, the first five correct answers will get bonus points.

Good luck!

UPDATE 1: Here is the first hint of this round:

KinKi Kids

If you get the correct answer from now till the next hint is revealed, you will earn 3 points.

UPDATE 2: Here is the last hint of this round:

Tamaki Hiroshi

If you answer correctly before the deadline, you will earn 1 point.

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