Friday, August 12, 2016

10th Anniversary Game: Guess The Drama? - Round 13 (UPDATED with last hint)

Seems like the previous round was pretty tough? Here is the answer for Round 12:

Gou ~ Himetachi no Sengoku 江 ~ 姫たちの戦国

This 2011 NHK Taiga featured Ueno Juri as the lead Gou who was the youngest sister Azai Nagamasa. Her elder sisters were played Miyazawa Rie and Mizukawa Asami thus explaining the first hint of "three sisters". Perhaps there were not many players who had watched this Taiga since they are usually close to 50 episodes long and last for the whole year? The sound clip which I posted as the question was taken from the opening theme which I thought sounded quite soft in contrast to the usual "manly" style of most Taiga theme music but clearly, it wasn't as distinctive as I assumed.

Here is the leaderboard at the end of this round (players with at least 20 points):

56 points - Nanda Motta
55 points - tweetpersecond
50 points - Vie Chan
46 points - Madoka
44 points - mikilove13
39 points - Dendi Darkexodia
29 points - AlexAndrA ☆ 玉森
28 points - R
26 points - Cris Ogr
23 points - Audrey Lilian Cussoy
21 points - yorknell

For Round 13, please refer to the photo above and send your guess to me. If you get this correct before I release any hints, you will earn 5 points.

Good luck!

UPDATE 1: Here is the first hint of this round:

Nozawa Hisashi 野沢尚

If you answer correctly from now till the next hint is revealed, you will earn 3 points.

UPDATE 2: Here is the last hint of this round:

Hasegawa Jun -> Kimura Takuya

If you get this correct from now till this round ends, you will earn 1 point.

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