Thursday, July 14, 2016

Yamashita Tatsuro to sing the theme song for FujiTV Summer 2016 drama "Eigyou Buchou Kira Natsuko"

Yamashita Tatsuro will be singing the theme song for FujiTV Summer 2016 drama "Eigyou Buchou Kira Natsuko" which will begin its run from 21 July in the Thursdays 10pm timeslot. This is the first time in 20 years that Yamashita has sung a theme song for a drama starring Matsushima Nanako since her breakthrough role in the NHK morning drama "Himawari" in 1996 which featured the theme song "DREAMING GIRL".

The new song "CHEER UP! THE SUMMER" written by Yamashita specially for the drama will be released in September and his first single release in 3 years. Yamashita commented that the song is a summer tune for adults and he's happy to be writing a theme song for Matsushima's drama. Matsushima also commented that she was thankful for Yamashita's song which is a perfect match for summer and will make the drama more exciting for viewers

The chief producer Makino said that the refreshing feel of Yamashita's vocals and Matsushima's screen presence are a perfect match so he praised this collaboration to be the best this summer. He also hopes that this song will become an encouragement to all women like Kira Natsuko who refuse to bow down to difficulties they face in their lives.

Source: Oricon

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