Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cast announcement press conference for NHK morning drama "Beppin-san"

The cast announcement press conference for NHK morning drama "Beppin-san" starring Yoshine Kyoko due to start its run from October was held on 16 May at NHK Osaka. It was revealed then that Kanno Miho will be playing the heroine's mother while Namase Katsuhisa will be the father. This is Kanno's first appearance in a drama series as a regular cast member since she gave birth to her first son with Sakai Masato last August.

During the press conference, a reporter wanted to ask about how Kanno felt about appearing in a NHK drama like her husband who is starring in the current Taiga "Sanadamaru". However, as there was already a ban on questions about private life matters, the host tried to block the question but Kanno responded smilingly with a witty reply by quoting a signature line from the Taiga drama i.e. "Damare, Kowappa!" (Shut up, kid!).

When asked about her role as the heroine's mother, Kanno revealed that her character will pass away quite early in the drama i.e. when the heroine is 9 years old. However, as she will also be the narrator for the morning drama, she will still be able to stay with the viewers throughout the entire duration of the drama. Kanno is not new to NHK morning dramas as she was one of the leads in the 1995 drama "Hashiranka!". She had also appeared in the 2001 drama "Chura-san". As such, she feels that time has passed by so quickly since "Hashiranka!" was already from 20 years ago.

Nakamura Tamao will be playing the heroine Bando Sumire's grandmother while Renbutsu Misako plays her elder sister. Koura Kengo will play Sumire's childhood friend, Nakura Jun will be the head clerk of Sumire's father's company. Her buddy will be played by Momota Kanako from Momoiro Clover Z.

However, the actor playing Sumire's husband will only be announced at the end of the month before filming commences.

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo / Sponichi


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