Sunday, April 24, 2016

Screening event of TBS Spring 2016 drama "Juuhan Shuttai!"

The screening event of TBS Spring 2016 drama "Juuhan Shuttai!" was held on 5 April in Tokyo which was attended by cast members Kuroki Haru, Odagiri Jo, Sakaguchi Kentaro, Matsushige Yutaka and Yasuda Ken. The drama is set in the editorial department of a weekly manga magazine where Kuroki plays a newbie editor who strives hard in her job. This also marks her first leading role in a drama series.

When asked about his impression of Kuroki, Odagiri revealed that although she may seem very quiet on the surface, he was surprised to know that she is actually very different from her image and likes punk music from Sid Vicious, Sex Pistols and Nirvana.

Sources: Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

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