Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hasegawa Kyoko to appear in TBS Spring 2016 drama "Watashi kekkon dekinainjanakute, shinain desu"

Hasegawa Kyoko will be appearing in the TBS Spring 2016 drama "Watashi kekkon dekinainjanakute, shinain desu" which will begin its run from 15 April in the Fridays 10pm timeslot. The drama features Nakatani Miki as the director of a beauty clinic who thinks that she can get married at any time but later meets a restaurant owner played by Fujiki Naohito who points out that she can't get married because of her faults, not because she chose not to. Despite his harsh character who doesn't mince his words, he has a wife (Hasegawa) who is a flower coordinator and he can't hold his head high in front of her at all . Hasegawa will appear from the 4th episode which is due to be shown on 6 May.

Hasegawa revealed that she has always wanted to work with Nakatani and was impressed with how the script pointed out things which would interest women of her age group in such a frank manner. In addition, she found it easy to chat with Nakatani during their filming breaks that they were so engrossed until they couldn't concentrate on the actual filming. As for Fujiki, she revealed that right from the first day they met, they had to film scenes where she was lecturing him but he always managed to respond with ease thus she found it easy to work with him.

Source: Yomiuri Hochi

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