Saturday, February 13, 2016

Otomo Kohei to be guest star in episode 5 of TBS Winter 2016 drama "Watashi wo hanasanai de"

 Otomo Kohei will be making a guest appearance in the 5th episode of TBS Winter 2016 drama "Watashi wo hanasanai de" which is to be shown on 12 February. He will play a former rockabilly singer who is the owner of a second-hand clothes shop and the first person to treat Kyoko (Ayase Haruka) and Tomohiko (Miura Haruma) kindly since they left Youkou Gakuen to live at the Cottage. This will be Otomo's first drama appearance since he turned 60 this year.

When asked to describe his character, Otomo said that the identity of being a rockabilly singer was meant to reflect his character's inability to fit in with the norms of society and he was regarded as somewhat like an outcast which in turn enabled him to view others with no prejudice. Upon knowing that Kyoko and Tomohiko are different from him, he is able to regain his composure and treat them in a normal way.

As for his impression of the two actors, Otomo who had not met Miura before, said that the latter is a very serious person so he wanted to liven up the atmosphere by cracking jokes. He was thankful for the fact that Miura responded quite favourably to the jokes. As for Ayase, he had met her before by chance in the past and was particularly struck by how innocent she could be. During that encounter, Otomo had told her about him being of the same age as her mother and revealed that he used to be part of a band named Hotdog. To his surprise, Ayase called her mother immediately in front of him and asked the latter if she knew about Otomo's band which surprised him greatly.

Source: Cinema Cafe

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