Friday, January 08, 2016

Production press conference of FujITV Winter 2016 drama "Naomi to Kanako"

The production press conference of FujiTV Winter 2016 drama "Naomi to Kanako" was held on 7 January which was attended by cast members Hirosue Ryoko, Uchida Yuki, Sato Ryuta, Yoshida Yo and Takahata Atsuko. The drama which will be shown from 14 January at 10pm on Thursdays, is based on the novel by Naoki Award winner Okuda Hideo. Hirosue plays the lead character Oda Naomi, an OL who is pessimistic about her career prospects while Uchida plays a housewife Hattori Kanako who has an abusive husband (Sato). In order to help her friend break away from her husband, Naomi proposes a plan to Kanako where they will kill him.

Being former top idols who made their debut in the 90s, this is the first time that Hirosue and Uchida are working together. When asked about their impressions of each other, Hirosue said that when she was just aspiring to be an actress, Uchida was already making waves in TV dramas so she's very happy to be working with someone who she has looked up to. In addition, Uchida has been very good at leading her along during their scenes so she feels that she's in good hands. On the other hand, Uchida remarked that she always thought of Hirosue as a very cute girl when the latter just made her debut and it's an enjoyable experience to be working with her this time.

When asked about what is the selling point of this drama, Hirosue commented that the drama is not all about violence despite its serious theme about murder because it also describes the details of daily life and descriptions of the characters' emotional developments. As such, it is an all-rounded suspense story which the cast and staff are putting in their best to produce. Uchida also remarked that it has been tense filming day after day and hopes that the efforts they put in will be felt by the viewers. Hirosue revealed that in order to prepare for her role, she tried to speak in a lower tone and behave as if she was still single despite being a mother of three in real life. In relation to the drama's theme of what type of person would you not be able to tolerate, Yoshida revealed that she doesn't like people who hurts others unknowingly with verbal abuse.

Source: Sponichi / Sanspo

1 comment:

  1. l still to be misled into believing that Hirosue made her debut prior to Uchida.
