Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Press conference of new NHK drama "Haburashi / Onnatomodachi"

The press conference of new NHK drama "Haburashi / Onnatomodachi" was held on 15 December at NHK's HQ in Tokyo which was attended by the cast Uchida Yuki, Ikewaki Chizuru and Kaneko Nobuaki. The drama which is due to begin its run from 5 January 2016 in the Tuesdays 11.15pm timeslot, features Uchida as Suzune, a 37-year-old single writer who suddenly finds herself in a lot of trouble when her old friend Mizue suddenly shows up at her place with her son in tow and asks to stay at her place. Despite not meeting at all for the past 20 years, Suzune gives in reluctantly for the sake of Mizue's son.

When asked if she would do the same in real life, Uchida said that she would probably not do it unless it was the same situation in the drama when the friend brought the child along and they had been drenched in the rain. Ikewaki also said that she found it difficult to identify with her character and would pretend not to be at home if a friend did the same to her. Uchida also said that the drama would send shivers down the viewers' spines despite the lack of intense action scenes or a horrific developments and that it is best that something like this is experienced on screen rather than in real life.

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo

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