Thursday, December 10, 2015

Matsushige Yutaka to be back in New Year's SP of "Kodoku no Gurume"

Matsushige Yutaka will be appearing in the New Year's SP of TV Tokyo's hit drama "Kodoku no Gurume" which will be shown on 1 January at 11.15pm. The drama SP titled "Kodoku no Gurume Oshogatsu SP ~ Fuyu no Hokkaido - The Asahikawa Business Trip", will feature the lead character Inogashira Goro eating various delicacies in the snowy Asahikawa such as seafood, meat and vegetables.

The current season of "Kodoku no Gurume" has two episodes to go before it ends its run this season i.e. 11 Dec and 18 Dec. Due to the response from viewers asking for a sequel, TV Tokyo decided to make a SP of 1 hour which is longer than an usual episode of 40 minutes.

Matsushige commented that he is very honoured to have a New Year's SP to his name but stressed that there was really nothing special about this SP since it will still feature his character going around eating delicious food. Nonetheless, he hopes that the viewers will still enjoy the SP on the first night of the new year. Although he has been to Hokkaido many times for filming, this is the first time he had been to Asahikawa so he would like to invite the viewers to join him on this journey to see what kind of dishes will be featured.

Source: Sponichi

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