Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kubozuka Yosuke announces his impending marriage on Twitter

Kubozuka Yosuke announced his impending marriage to his girlfriend PINKY through his Twitter in the early hours of 16 December. In his tweet, Kubozuka recounted that there had been many milestones for him this year such as his 20th anniversary in showbiz, making his debut in Hollywood and releasing his best hits album so he hopes to end the year with his marriage to his partner PINKY (real name Sugahara Yuka) who he has been dating for the past three years. With that, he hopes to make even greater progress in the coming new year. Besides his acting career, Kubozuka is also a reggae DJ performing under the name of 卍LINE (manji line).

Kubozuka was said to have known PINKY in early 2012 and stated dating in autumn the same year. Their relationship was first reported in 2012 and they were caught kissing at Narita Airport in April the following year. Since then, they've been uploading their photos on their social network accounts and rather open about their relationship. Although the date of their marriage registration has not been fixed, it is expected to be within this year and there are no plans yet for a wedding. PINKY is said to be not pregnant at the moment.

Kubozuka was previously married to another dancer two years younger than him from 2003 to June 2012. Their son Airu was born in October 2003 and is now 12 years old. However, due to differences in parenting styles, they went their separate ways with Kubozuka holding the custody rights of Airu. The couple are living in Osaka now with PINKY helping him to take care of his son.

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo

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