Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!

As 2015 comes to an end and the new year approaches, it is time to reflect on the past and make fresh resolutions. It has been an eventful year for me, in both good and bad ways but with the passing of the year, being able to begin on a fresh slate is something worth looking forward to.

Over the past year, there have been a number of milestones on the blog such as the 9th anniversary, being nominated for the Liebster award, introducing a new blog layout and the set-up of the Facebook fan page so as to reach out to more readers and share information/updates through another medium. I say this every year though but I always resolve to write more reviews but sad to say, I've not been as diligent as I want to. I need to put in a lot more effort to do more than just 2 drama and 2 movie reviews for 2015 so I hope that by this day next year, I'll be able to declare proudly that I did what I aimed to do.

Thank you very much for your support all this while and I look forward to interacting more with you in 2016 and the years to come. Hope that everyone has a great holiday ahead and may you get what you wish for in the new year!
