Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yoshida Yo & Kimura Yoshino to co-star in Kuroki Hitomi's directorial debut movie "Iya na Onna"

Yoshida Yo and Kimura Yoshino will be the double leads in Kuroki Hitomi's first movie as a director which is titled "Iya na Onna" (The detestable woman) and due to be shown in cinemas next year. The movie which is based on the same-titled novel published by Katsura Nozomi in 2010, features Yoshida as a serious lawyer named Ishida Tetsuko who is totally immersed in her work but always has to help her distant relative Kotani Natsuko get out of trouble as the latter is a fraudster. Through each interaction with Natsuko who she deeply dislikes, Tetsuko finds herself changing unwittingly without her being conscious about it. This movie will mark the first collaboration between the three actresses.

Recalling when she was first offered the role, Yoshida said that she was very surprised and flattered because she had never worked with Kuroki before and to take on the leading role in her directorial debut is a great honour. On the other hand, Kimura had worked with Kuroki before in the 1997 movie "Shitsurakuen" but was shocked on hearing about the latter becoming a director. Despite not being fully aware of what the movie was about, both actresses took on the roles almost immediately.

Filming is currently in progress.

Source: Nikkansports

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