Sunday, May 31, 2015

Screening event of new NHK drama "Chanpon tabeta ka?"

The screening event of new NHK drama "Chanpon tabeta ka?" (Have you eaten the chanpon?) was held on 21 May at NHK's HQ in Shibuya, Tokyo and was attended by the cast Suda Masaki, Sada Masashi, Hongo Kanata, Mamiya Shotaro, Izumisawa Yuki and Morikawa Aoi. The drama which is based on Sada's autobiography novel that will be published on the drama's first OA date, will be shown via NHK from 30 May in the Saturdays 10pm timeslot and consists of 9 episodes.

The story is set in the early 1940s at Tokyo where Suda plays a young violinist named Sano Masashi who leaves his hometown in Nagasaki to work in Tokyo, encounters various setbacks but manages to mature as an individual and overcome the odds with the support of the people around him. Suda commented that he had to learn various new things for the filming such as rakugo and playing the violin and he might not have the chance to do that or meet Sada if he did not take up the offer for this drama. Suda also mentioned how he enjoyed playing in a band as the story depicted his character forming a folk band with his senior high schoolmates and is even considering forming a band named "Chanpons" in real life after Sada encouraged him to do so.

This is the second time that Sada's autobiography is made into a drama (the previous drama was "Kasuteira" but Sada says that he doesn't know how the drama will end because it has a different storyline and is looking forward to watching this every week. He also praised Suda for being a good actor and is happy about the latter resembling him a little bit.


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