Saturday, March 21, 2015

Naka Riisa to star in new WOWOW drama "Temisu no Kyukei"

Naka Riisa will be starring in the new WOWOW drama "Temisu no Kyukei" which will begin its run from 10 May in the Sundays 10pm timeslot and consists of 4 episodes. The drama which is based on the same-titled novel by Daimon Takeaki, features Naka as a prosecutor's assistant officer whose father was murdered but she later realises that the supposed culprit who was convicted for the crime may be innocent. In relation to this revelation, a series of new cases happen. Naka's character will be a very serious and plain woman who wears suits all the time so this will be a great deviation from most of the roles she used to play. With regard to this, Naka commented that she hopes that by playing someone very different from her own character, this will help her to improve as an actress.

Source: Sponichi

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