Friday, March 06, 2015

Completion press conference of new movie "Eiga Ansatsu Kyoshitsu"

The completion press conference of new movie "Eiga Ansatsu Kyoshitsu" was held on 4 March which was attended by the director Hasumi Eiichiro and cast members Hey! Say! JUMP's Yamada Ryosuke, Suda Masaki, Yamamoto Maika, Jiyoung and Shiina Kippei. The movie which will be shown in cinemas from 21 March, is based on the manga by Matsui Yusei that had accumulated sales of 13.5 million copies to date. The story is set in an elite junior high school Kunigigaoka where the students in Class 3E who are poor in their studies resolve to kill their form teacher which is a non-human. Initially, the students are not too keen on doing this but get tempted at the reward of JPY 10 billion offered by the Japanese government. Yamada plays the leading role of Shiota Nagisa in the movie.

Yamada recounted that he was told about the movie offer when he was given a file containing details of the movie minutes before he was due to appear on stage for a live concert. As a result, he was unsure how he should go ahead with his concert as his mind was in a whirl over the sudden news. In addition, he realised that the character Nagisa resembled a girl in the manga and wondered if he was the right person to be taking on the role and felt that other people should be a better match. However, when he was praised by Shiina about having assimilated into his role.

Suda who is a big fan of the manga, revealed that he had met the author Matsui before during an interview, plays the role of Nagisa's buddy Akabane Karuma in the movie. He expressed his excitement at being able to take part in this movie but commented that he did feel the pressure when Matsui told him that Karuma was the most popular character as voted by readers so he wanted to meet up to these expectations. As for Jiyoung who makes her debut in a movie through the character Irina, she revealed that she had to do research on how to speak and cross her legs in order to show the sexiness of this character. In addition, this was the first time she had stayed for an extended period in Japan and went to the suburbs for filming so it had been a learning experience for her every day. Shiina who plays the class' assistant form teacher Karasume Tadaomi, revealed that this was his first role as a teacher in his acting career so far and it had been a refreshing experience for him to stand in front of 30 students in the classroom. Hasumi also said that the crew had built an open set in Gunma Prefecture for the filming which everyone had to stay at for one month thus allowing them to bond and become closer as a result.


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