Saturday, February 28, 2015

Top 10 celebrities with the highest CM exposure in 2014 (Video Research)

Numbers in brackets refer to the positions held in 2013 and the time presented here is the total amount of CM airtime in seconds:

1) Ueto Aya - 257,770 secs (2)

2) Sakai Masato - 256,500 secs (40)

3) Matsuoka Shuzo - 219,165 secs (30)

4) Nishijima Hidetoshi - 184,900 secs (59)

5) Takei Emi - 171,990 secs (5)

6) Horikita Maki - 158,165 secs (26)

7) Abe Hiroshi - 153,645 secs (15)

8) Ayase Haruka - 152,835 secs (21)

9) Honda Tsubasa - 138,360 secs (25)

10) Sakurai Sho - 135,645 secs (17)

Source: Video Research

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