Sunday, February 01, 2015

First-day-event of new movie "Joker Game"

The first-day-event of new movie "Joker Game" was held on 31 Jan which was attended by cast members KAT-TUN's Kamenashi Kazuya, Fukada Kyoko and Iseya Yusuke as well as the director Irie Yu. During the event, the cast threw sour plums to the audience in advance of Setsubun on 3 Feb when people throw beans to drive away evil. As to why sour plums were used instead of beans, Kamenashi explained that the Japanese word for "sour" resembles the word "spy" which is what their characters are in the movie. During the pre-screening which took place days earlier, Kamenashi recounted the episode of his intimate scene with Fukada where a cow standing beside them got too excited that they had to stop the filming. He was told not to talk about it again but could not bear not to share it with the audience which led them to laugh at his remarks.

Source: Sponichi

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