Thursday, January 01, 2015

Yonekura Ryoko announces her marriage on 26 December

Yonekura Ryoko announced on 26 December through a fax statement released by her agency that she got married on the same day to her entrepreneur husband who is two years younger than her and a former employee of Recruit. The couple were previously caught on dates in August 2012 and December 2013. Just one day before the marriage registration, "Shukan Bunshun" published an article about Yonekura cohabiting with her boyfriend which her agency had admitted that she was seeing someone but denied that they lived together and there were no marriage plans. Yonekura is currently not pregnant and will continue working as an actress. There are no plans for a wedding nor press conference about her marriage.

In her handwritten statement, Yonekura said that during their courtship, she was attracted by her husband's honesty and warm personality and respected him as a very important partner in her life. 2014 is a very memorable year for her in terms of her career and private life (her drama had the highest ratings of the year and getting married) and she is filled with gratitude as she approaches the new year to come. As her husband is a non-celebrity, she feels that she should protect his privacy thus will not reveal any of his personal details.

Source: Sponichi 1 / Sponichi 2 / Sponichi 3

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