Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!

The time has come again when we usher in a new year! First of all, a very happy new year to all readers of this blog and best wishes for the year ahead. Thank you very much for your support in 2014 and hope that you'll continue to visit this blog in 2015.

I was away in the later part of December in Japan so that explains my brief break from the blog. I will be catching up on the flurry of news during this period including marriage announcements from Higashide Masahiro & An and Yonekura Ryoko. Do stay tuned for these updates coming your way soon!

Besides these, I will prepare some posts related to my trip where I visited some places of interest especially to drama lovers. There will also be reviews of two Japanese movies I watched while I was there.

The new Winter 2015 drama season is also coming our way very soon with some titles which I personally find rather interesting (at least on paper). In the meantime, I'll try to finish up some of the pending reviews from the earlier seasons so do keep a lookout for these as well.

Till the next update, take care and enjoy the New Year holiday!

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