Saturday, January 31, 2015

First-day-event of new movie "Tsukuroi Tatsu Hito"

The first-day-event of new movie "Tsukuroi Tatsu Hito" was held on 31 Jan which was attended by cast members such as Nakatani Miki, Miura Takahiro and Kuroki Haru and the director Mishima Yukiko. The movie which is based on the manga by Ikebe Aoi, features Nakatani as Ichie, the second-generation owner of a tailor shop in Kobe started by her grandmother who is able to bring about changes in her customers through the clothes she makes. Although she knew nothing much about tailoring prior to acting in this movie, Nakatani took a month to practise using the sewing machine and learn tailoring techniques to prepare for her role. Nakatani was able to perfect her skills to the extent that she even managed to make a poncho for the director by the time the filming was over. Mishima commented that she was very pleased with the gift and will treasure it while Nakatani jokingly said that she chose to make a poncho because it was the easiest to sew.

During the event, Nakatani and Kuroki also teased Miura for being a "rain-man" (i.e. a person who appears whenever it's raining as if he/she is the one who "brought" the rain there) where Nakatani remarked that she was thinking that Miura shouldn't come to the first-day-event in case the weather turned out to be as bad as the previous day when it snowed in the Kanto region. Miura replied with a smile that he was glad that the snowy weather ended yesterday and the movie could start its run on a good note with the fine weather today.

Source: Sponichi

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