Saturday, December 06, 2014

Sato Takeru to star in new TBS Spring 2015 drama "Tenno no Ryoriban"

Sato Takeru will be playing a chef for the first time in the upcoming TBS 60th anniversary drama "Tenno no Ryoriban" (The Emperor's Cook) to be shown from April next year in the Spring 2015 season. He will play the role of Akiyama Tokuzo who was the head chef in the Imperial Household Department during the Taisho and Showa eras. In order to prepare for the role, Sato cut his hair by 20cm and remarked that he had never cut his hair so short since his junior high days when he was in the baseball team. He also started taking cooking lessons since August this year and practiced cutting vegetables such as onions and potatoes at home.

Akiyama came to Tokyo from his hometown at the age of 16 in order to realise his dream of being a chef. After working at a top-class hotel in Paris, he became the head chef at the young age of 26 for the royal family. Kuroki Haru will play the wife of Akiyama while Kobayashi Kaoru will play his teacher.

Source: Sponichi

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