Maki Yoko will be starring in the upcoming FujiTV Winter 2014 comedy drama "Mondai no aru Resutoran" (The Problematic Restaurant) which is due to be shown from January 2015 in the Thursdays 10pm. She will play the role of a former OL named Tamako who manages a restaurant operated by women and fights against a rival restaurant operated by men only. The chef of the rival restaurant will be played by Higashide Masashiro.
Maki commented that Tamako is not just a capable woman who is good at work but also has a soft side. On the other hand, Higashide concluded that his character is a "bad" guy and he hopes to be able to bring out this side of his character through his acting.
Source: Sanspo
Maki commented that Tamako is not just a capable woman who is good at work but also has a soft side. On the other hand, Higashide concluded that his character is a "bad" guy and he hopes to be able to bring out this side of his character through his acting.
Source: Sanspo
the interesting if they try to change themselve charactors.