Sunday, October 12, 2014

Production press conference of TBS Autumn 2014 drama "N no tame ni"

The production press conference of TBS Autumn 2014 drama "N no tame ni" was held on 11 November in Tokyo which was attended by the cast members Eikura Nana, Kubota Masataka, Miura Tomokazu, Koide Eisuke, Kaku Kento, Konishi Manami and Tokui Yoshimi. The drama which begins its run from 17 October in the Fridays 10pm timeslot, is based on Minato Kanae's novel and is set in an island in the Seto Inland Sea and Tokyo where a group of people with the initial N in their names get embroiled into a murder case involving a celebrity couple.

The cast had been to Shodo Island in September for 2 weeks of filming. Eikura commented that the island is so beautiful that she went to buy a 65-inch TV recently so that she can enjoy the scenery when the drama begins its run. However, the filming schedule in Okinawa from 13th Oct has been disrupted due to the impending arrival of a typhoon.

Source: Sanspo

1 comment:

  1. But when l have not planning for shop new television like as her.
