Sunday, October 12, 2014

Production press conference of FujiTV Autumn 2014 drama "Suteki na Sentakushi"

The production press conference of FujITV Autumn 2014 drama "Suteki na Sentakushi" was held on 7 October 2014 which was attended by the cast members Takenouchi Yutaka, Baka Rhythm, Minamisawa Nao, Masu Takeshi and Seino Nana. The drama which is due to begin on 14 October in the Tuesdays 10pm timeslot, is written by Baka Rhythm and features Takenouchi as a taxi driver who is able to drive his passengers to the past where they can make a different choice in their lives. Takenouchi commented that although this drama sounds far-fetched and is somewhat a science-fiction story, he stressed that it is also a human drama which will appeal to viewers.

Takenouchi also revealed that it is a wonderful and enjoyable experience to be working with Baka Rhythm and his other co-stars. As for Baka Rhythm, he expressed worry over not being able to finish the script for the drama's 5th episode and felt nervous as the deadline approaches. Nonetheless, he expressed faith that this drama will be quite unlike others but will still be entertaining.

Baka Rhythm plays the manager of a cafe which Takenouchi's character Edawakare frequents while Minamisawa and Seino play his staff at the cafe. Masu plays a regular customer at the cafe.

Source: Sponichi / My Navi


  1. Love Takenouchi Yutaka.

    Are those KTV-produced dramas ever shot or set in Osaka?

  2. l love for hear "Production press conference" because l've also known about their problems,humorous interview and something that we don't know.
