Sunday, July 20, 2014

Matsuyama Kenichi & Nikaido Fumi to star in TBS drama SP "Tooi Yakusoku ~ Hoshi ni natta kodomotachi ~"

Matsuyama Kenichi and Nikaido Fumi will star in the TBS drama SP "Tooi Yakusoku ~ Hoshi ni natta kodomotachi ~" (A far promise ~ the children who became stars" which will be shown on 25 August at 9pm. The drama SP is based on a novel and picture by Masuda Shoichi about the war orphans struggling to survive against the cold and hunger while housed in the refugee quarters at Manchuria. Matsuyama will play the role of a lieutenant who tries to protect the orphans there while Nikaido plays a primary school teacher. At the beginning of the SP will be a documentary shot on location in Changchun, China, which used to be the capital of Manchuria. Co-stars include Fukada Kyoko, Shiina Kippei, Kato Seishiro and Yamada Mochika.

Source: Sanspo

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