Monday, July 28, 2014

Ayase Haruka to star in 2016 NHK Taiga fantasy drama "Seirei no Moribito"

Ayase Haruka will be starring in the 2016 NHK Taiga fantasy drama "Seirei no Moribito" (The Guardian of Spirits) as announced during the press conference held on 28 July. The drama is based on a 10-volume fantasy novel by Uehashi Nahoko published in 1996 which had sold 3.7 million copies to date and will be shot entirely in 4K format. In conjunction with NHK's 90th anniversary, this drama will be shown over 22 episodes in three years starting from spring 2016.

Ayase plays the role of Barusa, a lonely female bodyguard who co-exists with spirits and embarks on an adventure with the prince Chagumu in this drama. She remarked during the press conference that she is very happy to work with NHK again after their collaboration in "Yae no Sakura" although she also admitted about being worried over the longer O.A. period this time. Although there will be many action scenes in this fantasy drama, she also hopes to show the human side of things in the story to the viewers.

Source: Sponichi / Nikkansports


  1. あのぉぉぉ... 精霊のモリビトじゃないの?

  2. Zizaさん、指摘してくれてありがとうございます。

  3. Not long time.l just read your blog that she will hold a new job in NTV.
    Why NHK they hurry to reserve her before 3 years?
