Friday, June 13, 2014

Arashi to be back in new installment of "Pikanchi"; to be shown for one month only in August

Arashi will be back with a movie of their own titled "Pikanchi Half LIFE IS HARD Tabun HAPPY" for the first time in 7 years since 2007's "Kiroii Namida". The new movie will be screened four times a day exclusively at Tokyo Dome City Hall from 1 August to 31 August.

The first Pikanchi movie titled "Pikanchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY" which was shown in October 2002, was based on the life story of V6's Inohara Yoshihiko and featured the five members as friends who lived in the same housing estate. The second movie "Pikanchi LIFE IS HARD Dakara HAPPY" was screened in March 2004. In the third movie, the characters who are now in their 30s will reunite for the first time in 10 years and Inohara himself is expected to appear in the movie too. As to why the third movie is not named Pikanchi Triple (second movie was commonly known as Pikanchi Double) and instead called Pikanchi Half, Ninomiya Kazunari said that the reason will be revealed during the movie.

Matsumoto Jun revealed that as the group is celebrating their 15th anniversary this year, they decided that it was the right time to make this sequel as a memento for them to spend time with their fans. About 250,000 people will get to see the movie during its one month run and the filming will begin from mid June for a month.

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo

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