Friday, May 16, 2014

Koizumi Kotaro to be back in sequel of "Namonaki Doku" this summer

Koizumi Kotaro will be acting in the TBS summer 2014 drama "Petero no Souretsu" which is the sequel to the original series "Namonaki Doku" which was shown last summer. The new drama which is also based on the same-titled novel by Miyabe Miyuki, will make its debut on 7 July at 7pm and will be shown at 8pm on Mondays subsequently. Koizumi will play the role of Sugimura Saburo again as he tries to solve a new case two years after the previous drama ended.

Filming will begin in the beginning of June.

Source: Yomiuri Hochi

1 comment:

  1. l read another news what appended that Saburo Sugimura'll face a hijacking attempt by an older person with a handgun.
