Thursday, April 24, 2014

Yonekura Ryoko to star in FujiTV drama SP "Autobahn ~ Soushiki Hanzai Taisakuka Yagami Eiko ~"

Yonekura Ryoko will be taking on the role of a police detective with ties to the underworld in the upcoming FujiTV drama SP "Autobahn ~ Soushiki Hanzai Taisakuka Yagami Eiko ~" which is due to be shown this summer. The drama SP is based on the same-titled mystery novel by Fukamachi Akio and features Yonekura in the role of Yagami Eiko, a police detective working in the Ueno Chuo Police Station's Anti-Organised Crime Division who is rumoured to be linked to the underworld and extends loans without interests to her colleagues. In addition, she is labelled as an "outsider" within the police station and would do anything to solve her cases.

Filming will begin in May and co-stars include Nishida Toshiyuki and Watabe Atsuro.

Source: Sanspo

1 comment:

  1. Among all the series that she play. Negotiator may be make her become the most of popular
