Friday, April 04, 2014

Actor Kanie Keizo passes away due to stomach cancer

Actor Kanie Keizo passed away due to stomach cancer on 30 March at the age of 69 years old, as reported on 4 April. Kanie was from Tokyo and became a stage actor in 1965 after graduating from the Shinjuku High School. before appearing in his first drama i.e. TBS' "Okaasan" in 1966 and his first movie "A, Douki no Sakura" the following year. Besides being a popular supporting actor in various works, Kanie had also participated in 7 NHK Taiga dramas including "Ryomaden" and was seen as the grandfather of the heroine in last year's morning drama hit "Ama-chan". However, Kanie took leave to rest from January this year and stopped doing the narration for TV Tokyo's programme "Gaia no Yoake".

Source: Nikkansports

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