Friday, March 14, 2014

Uchino Seiyo to star in FujiTV's 55th anniversary drama SP "Jikan no Shuzoku"

Uchino Seiyo (formerly known as Uchino Masaaki) will be starring in the FujiTV's 55th anniversary drama SP "Jikan no Shuzoku" (The habit of time) which is based on Matsumoto Seicho's hit novel. The drama SP will be shown on 10 April at 9pm and features Uchino and Tsugawa Masahiko as police detectives Mihara and Torigai who have to investigate the murder of a news reporter. Although they suspect the murderer to be Mineoka (Kato Masaya), who is a member of parliament, he has the perfect alibi to prove that he was not responsible for the murder so the detectives must prove it otherwise.

Filming is currently in progress at Kitakyushu.

Source: Sanspo

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