Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mayday to sing the theme song of FujiTV Spring 2014 drama "Bitter Blood"

Taiwanese band Mayday will be singing the theme song of FujiTV Spring 2014 drama "Bitter Blood" which stars Sato Takeru and Watabe Atsuro. The drama will begin its run from 15 April in the Tuesdays 9pm timeslot. This marks Mayday's first attempt at singing a Japanese drama's theme song and the track titled "Do You Ever Shine?" will be a fast number written by music producer Kobayashi Takeshi who is known for his works for artistes such as Mr.Children. As Mayday is a fan of Mr.Children, they approached Kobayashi to write the song which will be entirely in English when played during the drama's broadcast and is the first work from him for a non-Japanese artiste. There will be a Japanese version to be released in early summer which is also written by Kobayashi.

Mayday commented that they are deeply honoured by Kobayashi writing the song for them while the latter praised the band for possessing the kind of power which is gradually being lost by the Japanese. Meanwhile, Sato who has already heard the song, said that he was very excited to hear it and thought that it had a speedy and stylish feel which matched the drama.

Source: Sanspo

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