Saturday, March 15, 2014

Kawaguchi Haruna opens up about her thoughts regarding the poor performance of "Otto no Kanojo"

Kawaguchi Haruna appeared on NTV's talk show "Another Sky" shown on 14 March where she first talked about the TBS autumn 2013 drama "Otto no Kanojo" which fared badly in terms of ratings. Kawaguchi had her first leading role in this drama which got an average rating of just 3.87% over 8 episodes and made it the worst-performing primetime drama this century, beating the last record holder i.e. FujiTV's "Kazoku no Uta" starring Odagiri Jo.

Kawaguchi admitted that even though she said in public that she didn't mind the low ratings of her drama, she was actually very affected by it. She felt even worse when people around her tried to soften the impact of the bad press surrounding the ratings. However, she tried to be positive about it because it wasn't as if there was nobody watching the drama so she decided to work hard for the small number of viewers who were still watching the drama faithfully.

Kawaguchi also mentioned that it was the very first time she felt unsure about her future as an actress but she was encouraged by her mother jokingly telling her that things will work out somehow. On the other hand, she felt a little indignant that people were saying all sorts of bad things about the drama just because of its low ratings so Kawaguchi had hoped that people would actually watch the drama right to the end before passing judgement.

Despite the controversy over the low ratings, Kawaguchi felt that it was a hurdle she had to overcome as an actress and vowed to do even better this year.

Source: Sponichi

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