Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Karasawa Toshiaki & Eguchi Yosuke reunite in TBS Spring 2014 drama "Roosevelt Game"

Karasawa Toshiaki will be starring in the upcoming TBS Spring 2014 drama "Roosevelt Game" based on "Hanzawa Naoki" author Ikeido Jun's novel which will be shown in the same timeslot (Sundays 9pm) from April onwards. The production staff behind "Roosevelt Game" will be the same as "Hanzawa Naoki" in a bid to recreate the success of the latter in terms of ratings.

Karasawa will play the role of Hosokawa Mitsuru who is suddenly selected to be the president of a precision parts manufacturer on the brink of bankruptcy by the founder of the company played by Yamazaki Tsutomu. In a bid to restructure the company, Hosokawa decides to dismiss their corporate professional baseball team despite its longstanding fame and good results thus pitting him against his biggest rival i.e. the managing director who rose through the ranks played by Eguchi Yosuke. This marks Karasawa's and Eguchi's reunion for the first time in 10 years since they last worked in the drama "Shiroi Kyoto".

Co-stars include Dan Rei who plays Hosokawa's secretary that supports him in his restructuring efforts, Ishimaru Kanji who plays the baseball team's director cum general affairs department's director and Tatekawa Danshun who plays the president of a rival company.

Source: Sanspo 1 / Sanspo 2

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