Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nakama Yukie to play Mori Mitsuko in FujiTV drama SP "Mori Mitsuko wo Ikita Onna ~ Nipponichi Aisareta Okaasan wa Nipponichi Sabishii Onna datta ~"

Nakama Yukie will play the late Mori Mitsuko in FujiTV's 55th anniversary drama SP "Mori Mitsuko wo Ikita Onna ~ Nipponichi Aisareta Okaasan wa Nipponichi Sabishii Onna datta ~" (The woman who lived as Mori Mitsuko ~ the most loved mother in Japan was the loneliest woman in Japan) which is due to be shown this spring. The drama SP which will be narrated by Mori's close friend Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, will focus on Mori's life between the ages of 26 and 42 and how she gave up her marriage and later succeeded as a stage actress. Nakama commented that she is very honoured to be able to play Mori in this drama SP and will work hard to learn more about Mori's stellar career in order to show the best of her respected senior.

Co-stars include Fujiki Naohito who will play Mori's ex-husband Okamoto Yoshihiko and Ishizaka Koji who will play the producer Kikuta Kazuo that saw the talent Mori had as an actress.

Source: Sponichi

1 comment:

  1. l Never have known her before, but when l check it out by wikipedia.She just pass away in 2012 lately
