Sunday, January 12, 2014

Production press conference of FujiTV Winter 2014 drama "Lost Days"

The production press conference of FujiTV Winter 2014 drama "Lost Days" was held on 10 January which was attended by the cast members Seto Koji, Ishibashi Anna, Triendl Reina, Yoshizawa Ryo, Kojima Fujiko, Miyoshi Ayaka and Kiriyama Ren. The drama features the cast as a group of university students on a graduation trip at a winter mountain mansion but a murder takes place there thus revealing that all is not well within this group of seemingly close friends.

As the theme of the drama is "everyone has a secret", the cast were asked to reveal their secrets. Seto said that he had been told by a fortune teller when he was 20 that he would get married by 25. However, it is only 4 months to his 26th birthday and asked if anyone wanted to marry him before his birthday in May. As for Ishibashi, she said that she was obsessed with waiting to see baseball players after their training sessions and would hang out at Fukuoka Dome frequently for this purpose when she was much younger. Triendl revealed that she has a habit of visiting the seafood section of a supermarket almost every day and feels that her stress is removed when she speaks to the staff and buys fresh seafood there.

Source: Sponichi

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thanks for translating! I bet Seto gets some volunteers, don't you? I wish we knew the secrets of the other 4 cast members!
