Saturday, January 11, 2014

Production press conference of FujiTV Winter 2014 drama "Team Batista 4 Raden Meikyuu"

The production press conference of FujiTV Winter 2014 drama "Team Batista 4 Raden Meikyuu" was held on 6 Jan which was attended by its cast members Ito Atsushi, Nakamura Toru, Kuriyama Chiaki, Mizuno Miki and Yanagiba Toshiro. Ito and Nakamura will take on the same roles of a psychology therapist and an official from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare who are going to investigate a case involving terminal care of dying patients involving a local hospital managed by Yanagiba's character. His daughters are played by Mizuno and Kuriyama.

This is the first doctor role for Kuriyama who expressed her nervousness but hopes to make it till the end with the support of her colleagues. There are many medical terms for her to memorise and the operation scenes were especially difficult for her as she plays a gynecologist. In addition, her character Sumire doesn't project the usual image people expect of doctors because she goes around wearing printed pants and can be said to have a weird fashion sense so Kuriyama was also worried if people would have problems accepting her image as a doctor.

As for Mizuno who plays the role of the elder sister Sayuri, a doctor specialising in palliative care and the assistant director of the hospital, she explained that due to a past incident, Sayuri had become somewhat willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of her father, family and the hospital. Sayuri will look very suspicious as the criminal especially in the first part of the story but Mizuno herself has no idea what will happen after that. She also expressed her joy in the operation scenes she had to film so far and said that they were interesting.

When asked about her 14-year age gap with Yanagiba and having to play his daughter despite the small gap, Mizuno said that she never dreamed that she would get to play his daughter and revealed that Yanagiba had already "complained" about this when they met for the first script-reading meeting. As such, she is trying her best to use makeup to let herself appear younger so that she looks convincing as his daughter.

Source: Sponichi

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