The premiere screening of new movie "Judge!" was held on 19 December at Marunouchi Picadilly which was attended by cast members Tsumabuki Satoshi, Kitagawa Keiko and Kimura Yuichi. The movie which will be shown in cinemas from 11 January 2014, is set in the advertising industry where Tsumabuki plays a struggling employee in an advertising firm and has to ask his colleague played by Kitagawa to pose as his wife in order to take part in a CM contest. Tsumabuki joked that he has been getting a lot of comedic roles lately while Kitagawa who had to beat and kick Tsumabuki multiple times in the movie, revealed that it was hard to do that at first but she slowly got the hang of it after repeated practice. As such, she was apologetic towards Tsumabuki who had to bear the brunt of her blows.
Source: Sanspo
i hope this flick's good. :) but just seeing tsumabuki's smile might be worth it.