Friday, November 01, 2013

Tanihara Shosuke to star in WOWOW's new drama "Chi no Wadachi"

Tanihara Shosuke will be the lead in the WOWOW drama "Chi no Wadachi" to be shown from 19 January 2014 at 10pm on Sundays. The drama which consists of 4 episodes, is based on the same-titled novel by Aiba Hideo and features Tanihara as a police detective in the criminal investigation department who is embroiled in a power struggle with his former buddy played by Neptune's Harada Taizo who is in the public security department after they cross paths again due to a former police officer's murder case. Harada's character's superior will be played by Takashima Masanobu while model TAO will play the role of an investigator from the special investigation division.

Source: Oricon

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